Friday, September 24, 2010

He's finally Here!!

On Monday we finally welcomed our new son into our family. I was supposed to be induced the Friday before but the hospital ran out of rooms. They also ran out of rooms on this Monday morning, but they called an hour later and said we could come on in. That was an hour of every emotion a very pregnant woman could feel! Here I am very excited to have my baby and not be pregnant anymore! His name is Spencer Holt Burnett. We didn't decide on his name until the next day, but really, if you know us, would you expect anything else?!?
Ryan was/is super excited to have a baby brother. Do you see how is is pretty much just taking Spencer out of Rich's hands? We really have to keep a close on that kid. At least Spencer is VERY loved!
Spencer was 9.9 lbs!!!! I was not expecting to have such a large baby, but I guess that is what happens when you are about a week over due! He was 20 3/4 inches long and couldn't be more perfect. He has red hair and quite a bit of it too!

I am SO grateful to have my mom here with us. She has helped us out more than she will ever know and I was just glad to have my mom close! It is hard to have babies away from family! Thank you mom for your love, support and help! We love you!

Proud daddy!
He's huge isn't he?!
They love their baby brother

The boys

Now, he is quite a bit swollen and even by the next day he wasn't quite as thick, but still pretty big!

Ready to go home!

Welcome to our family Spencer! We love you so much already and can't wait to watch you grow and learn.


corine said...

Congratulations! He just looks so squishable! SOOO CUTE!

LaDawn said...

congratulations everyone looks so happy and the baby looks so handsome. glad all things went well.

sewdelightful said...

Such a cute boy!! I love that picture of the three kids at the end of the post!

The Felix Family said...

Congrats!! He looks like he fits right into your family. It's always a relieving feeling to say, "I'm not pregnant anymore!" You have a beautiful family!!

Kathy said...

Congratulations, again! He's big and cute and the family couldn't look happier! So glad things went well and wishing you all the best.

Kezlynn said...

Congrats Jackie! I love it when you can say, IM not pregnant anymore, and then you get to sleep on your stomach for the first time in ages!!! He is so cute! I love all his chubbiness!

The Sabeys said...

we are so excited to meet our new nephew! We are so happy for you guys!

Just what is a Clair? said...

You are so gorgeous Jackie! And your new little one is precious(not a shocker since all your kids are stinkin cute.:) COngratulations!!!

Radke said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful! Looks like everyone is doing well.