Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I LOVE getting visitors!! It doesn't happen very often AT ALL (hint hint to anyone who might be able to come!) My sister-in-law called one day and said they were coming the next day! I couldn't have asked for a better surprise! I Love love love my sister, Lisa and her kids are adorable too!! Our kids get along great and we had a great time together! If only we could do it more often!
We went swimming at the pool a couple times

I have no idea what is happening in this picture, but it makes me laugh...I love all the kids' faces!

Delaney is 3 weeks younger than Spencer and he LOVED her! Anytime I looked away, Spencer was attacking her...and Ryan is ALWAYS attacking Spencer (I wonder where Spencer learned it), so this picture is perfect!! Poor girl!

Dance Party!!

Rich loves to find good bakerys where we live and this is great!! The kids love to go there and pick out a treat!

At the farmers market

I love this boy! (Landon)

I love these girls too!! Best friends forever! Thank you Holts for coming to visit us. We loved having you and miss you guys tons already!!

Summer Time

As I started this post I realized that I really need to get better at taking pictures of Samantha!  These few pictures are just a small representation of part of our summer.  Spencer got some more teeth...

 Ryan got his tonsils out in July.  He was such a trooper! He never really complained of being in pain, took his medicine no problem and was finally able to sleep well!! The only problem was that he wasn't really eating anything for about two weeks.  I could visably see a difference in him and when I picked him up you could really tell how much weight he lost. He has always been a skinny kid, but he must have gone down about 5 lbs. I am so glad that he is back to normal!
 We moved to a different apartment a couple of miles away.  We went from a 600 sq.ft apartment to an almost 900....still not huge and still only 2 bedrooms so all three kids have to share still, but that 300 extra sq. ft really makes a difference. esp now that Spencer is walking.  He actually has room to go somewhere.  It is nice to be able to breath a little more! 
 It was SO hot this summer (like record breaking 100+ for over two weeks straight) and the kids really wanted to ride bikes, so we decided the best place to do that was at the parking garage across the street.  With the university out for the summer it was most vacant and it was a little bit cooler in there.  The kids loved it. 
 Who wouldn't was free food?!  We went to Chik-fil-A dressed up as cows and ate completely free.  Awesome!
 Before we moved we spent a lot of our time across the street at Sami's school playing baseball. The kids LOVE doing that with their daddy!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

4th of July 2011

This year for the 4th of July we were able to go visit Rich's sisters family in Nashville, TN. It was a lot of fun! The kids had a blast playing together and it was just really nice being together with family!

These two are great friends. Hopefully someday we will be able to live close so that they can be together more often!

Nate with Isaac and Lukas

Aunt Cameo with "baby" Spencer

I love Isaacs face in this one (the ADORABLE cute blonde behind Ryan)

Thank you Dollar Tree for some cheap entertainment...

These two boys are only 3 months apart...Either Leo has growing to do or Spencer needs to STOP growing!! Spencer looks huge compare to Leo, but someday I am sure it will even out and they will be best buds!!

For the Fourth of July we went into Nashville. Nate went early that morning and staked out awesome seats for us (Thank you Nate for sitting in like a 100 degree weather, by yourself for 5 hours so that we could have a place to sit for the are AMAZING!!!) They had a free concert all day with free kids entertainment a street up. It was great!!

Dancing to the music

All day long there were various performers (some local, some trying to make it big, and some somewhat "big") and then to end the night the headliner was Darius Rucker. It was a great concert and the kids really enjoyed it too.

It was BY FAR the best firework show we have ever seen. Our seats were right above the River, and the fireworks were right above us. The Nashville Symphony accompainied the fireworks with made it even more awesome. If you ever have the chance to go to Nashville for the Fourth of July, GO!! You will not be disappointed!

We were able to finish off this trip with a quick rendezvous with my brother and his cute family. They live in Louisville and so we both drove halfway between Nashville and them. We met at Mammoth Caves and took a tour, had a picnic and enjoyed eachother. The problem with moving around so much is that you never know when you might see family again, so we take any opportunity we can!

I love that on both sides of our families there are cousins so close in age to my kids. No matter what family we are getting together with, there is always someone to play with. Love it!!

Prairie Grove Battle Anniversary

Samantha's friend Abigail had a civil war themed birthday party and we went to the Prairie Grove Battlefield where they had a little celebration commemorating the battle.

A soldier riding a horse came to the party and instructed us that President Lincoln needs volunteers for the war...Ryan was the first one to stand up and yell, "I have a sword!!" and then all the boys took off following the horse to the table to sign up for the war.

Here is Ryan signing his life away and recieving his "pay".

Thank you Sam and Ryan for being so willing to serve in the war and bring our country some peace, even though we do live in the South where people are still a little angry that the South lost the ward. ;-)

Kick-off to Summer

I know this post is a little late, now that school is back in session already, but oh well! We had a great summer here in Arkansas. These pictures are at the end of the school year, when we were so ready for summer to start!

Watermelon! Watermelon! Watermelon!

The three musketeers! There are two of Sams best friends that she has made in Kindergarten. Miranda and Katherine. This picture was taken at Field Day and the face painting was done but yours truly. I did some pretty awesome faces that day!

Samantha loved her Kindergarten teacher. Ms. Simpson was awesome! We will always remember her and love her.

At the end of the year awards assembly Samantha recieved the reading award, citizenship award and the art award. We are so proud of Sam and all her hard work this year. We love you and can't wait to see all the great things you will do in your life!