Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

I feel a like a slacker mom this month. I didn't do anything cute, fun or creative with my kids for the halloween season. I didn't even decorate. But I did make sure that we went to a pumpkin patch at least. We had a lot of fun there, until it started to downpour on us. We were soaked to the bone. But the kids had fun and Spencer stayed dry so that is all that matters. He is adorable!
The totally overpriced cow train

I love that Ryan has no fear (Sam was hiding behind Rich the whole time).

Sadly, these were pretty much the only pumpkins left at this patch...we went to walmart later and got some better ones!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Looks like a great time! The cow-train looks cool--sorry it was a bummer. You have great kids!