Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just a bunch of pictures

Finger painting with an almost 2 year old!

Good times with Grandpa Burnett

Grandpa was happy that Ryan had a clean diaper!!

For family home evening the other night we went on a nature walk. After many puddles were jumped in and every slide at the park was dried off with little bottoms we came home and got right in our warm, dry PJs!

Joke telling at the Burnett house.Ryan most of time is a little mimic and loves to repeat things that people say, so watch out!! If anyone has any good jokes please let us know...Sam is in need of some decent ones since I don't know any...and please ignore the diaster of a living room! ;-)


Just what is a Clair? said...

My Mum is really really corny. Her favorite joke is:
What goes "ha ha ha...plop plop plop"?

Answer:A monster laughing its head off!

Yeah, I know.

Ari Anna Johnson said...

That was so cute!

Leslie said...

Too stinkin' cute! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple months! I hear you'll already be settled in before we get there. It's gonna be a party! Can't wait!