Thursday, May 21, 2009

a baby no longer...

Ryan is now two years old. I still can't believe it! He is growing up so fast and becoming such a big boy. Ryan is such a fun boy and we love having him in our family. He always has so much energy and loves to make us laugh. We love him so much!
For his birthday we went to a fun park here in town and Ryan got completely covered in sand and mud! What a boy! He loved his race track cake and I was pretty proud of it myself! He also loves the T-Ball set from Grandma and Papa Holt and the Cars race track from mommy and daddy! Happy Birthday buddy! We love you!


Ari Anna Johnson said...

Happy B-day Ryan

syrant said...

He looks so big and old! Where's my little Ryan? Wish we could have been there.Love you guy. Grandma Holt

Alison said...

Jackie, that cake looks amazing. I'm impressed. And Happy Birthday to Ryan!

Radke said...

That cake looked great! Good job!

Monica and Stephen said...

I can't believe he is 2. The time flies by way to fast.

Leslie said...

Holy Cow, Jackie! That cake looks amazing!! You know, you only get better with more practice, so I'm excited to see what the next years bring! Happy Birthday Ryan!

Kristin said...

You made that cake!! What a pro - although I shouldn't be surprised since you are a natural at all things domestic. I wish we lived in the same town so we could have fun being Mommys together. When will you be in Utah again?

the longmores said...

Ryan is sooo handsome!! I can't believe he is two. Time is flying. I love your cake it is awesome!