Thursday, May 21, 2009

a baby no longer...

Ryan is now two years old. I still can't believe it! He is growing up so fast and becoming such a big boy. Ryan is such a fun boy and we love having him in our family. He always has so much energy and loves to make us laugh. We love him so much!
For his birthday we went to a fun park here in town and Ryan got completely covered in sand and mud! What a boy! He loved his race track cake and I was pretty proud of it myself! He also loves the T-Ball set from Grandma and Papa Holt and the Cars race track from mommy and daddy! Happy Birthday buddy! We love you!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

This Mothers Day we had a fun surprise to have Grandma Burnett drive up to see us. Rich and I like to think that she came to us, but in all was for Samantha. Samantha performed for the first time today at church and we are so proud of her. She practiced so much and was so excited to sing for everyone. The song is called "Mother Tell Me a Story" and it is a duet with a mother. It was very fun to sing with my little girl and now I am very excited for the years to come to do fun musical things together. We had a lot of fun!

Out in our back yard taking some pictures and then...a squirrel!

Sam also gave her first talk in primary was a big day for her!! She did fantastic on that too! We are so proud of her and I can't believe how grown up she is!!

This is video does not do Samantha's performance justice. She was flawless at church and it was beautiful! She definitely outsang me, which I am grateful for. We don't have a piano at home so we just did this video with the Primary CD...but it gives you an idea of what it was like at church today!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just a bunch of pictures

Finger painting with an almost 2 year old!

Good times with Grandpa Burnett

Grandpa was happy that Ryan had a clean diaper!!

For family home evening the other night we went on a nature walk. After many puddles were jumped in and every slide at the park was dried off with little bottoms we came home and got right in our warm, dry PJs!

Joke telling at the Burnett house.Ryan most of time is a little mimic and loves to repeat things that people say, so watch out!! If anyone has any good jokes please let us know...Sam is in need of some decent ones since I don't know any...and please ignore the diaster of a living room! ;-)