Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ryans first real haircut

Okay, I've noted that for the future, suckers and his bottle do not work when giving him a haircut! Poor guy...but least he looks sharp now! Thanks Aunt Laurel!


syrant said...

The poor guy. He sure like skinny and very unhappy. Grandma would hold you. :)

syrant said...

sorry guess I should proof read. He sure "looks" skinny

Margaret said...

Awww poor thing. He does look cute though.

Lisa said...

why do you torture his so? just let it grow out! just kidding, this is lisa you know. ha ha ha. i love the whole hair cut topic!

Alison said...

Those are classic pictures. Love it.

Leslie said...

That's what being a good parent gets you, right? Nothing but crying. anyway, he looks adorable with or without a haircut. Have you guys adjusted to being back at home yet? We're trying to establish some sort of routine again just from brett having all his time off! Miss you a ton!

the longmores said...

I can't believe how big Ryan is! Our little guys grew up so fast. We miss you guys so much. Danny and I were reminiscing on the good ol' moving watching days. We had such a blast with you guys!

The Felix Family said...

Hey Jackie! How are you? I am so excited I noticed you on Molly's blog. I have been wondering what you have been up to. Your kids are so big especially Sam. They are so cute. I hope everything is going well for you. I am glad I will be able to stay caught up with you.

Unknown said...

Don't worry, he'll forgive you when he realizes you didn't let him have a mullet. Have you tried tv and letting him play with the clipper attachments? (the plastic ones, not the actual clippers)