Thursday, January 22, 2009

A little glimpse of January

Even though January isn't over yet, I just thought I would post some pictures of our month...we didn't do much, but sometimes it is fun to just stay at home. I tried to be a little more creative this month, and I by no means got even close to being at the same level as some of you other moms, but at least I am taking baby steps right?

I guess not every kid enjoys playing with boxes...
Samantha and Ryan had a camp out. The tent
was on couch, and the this was their campfire.
They were both perfectly content on pretending,
but when it came time to roast the marshmallows,
pretend ones just wouldn't cut it!

Sam has never been a real adventuresome girl, I usually say
that she has a little bit too much of her Grandma Holt in her.
But today she decided to climb to the top of the jungle gym thing
at the park. She was scared, but she got to the top and was so
proud of herself! I love it when she tries new things and
actually follows through to the end!

Sam just playing in her room

This is one of our edible crafts that we attempted...
why do things always look so much better in the
pictures?!?! Anyways, these chocolate dipped pretzel
snowman tasted good at least!!

Yummy!! Sugar!!!!!!!!!!!

Another edible craft, donut snowmen...Daddy was really
enjoying all these crafts we were doing! However, they are
definitely not going to help us loose any weight!
Ryan loves to dance to music and I thought I would give him
some music that we haven't used ( I can't remember the last
time I listened to NSYNC,) but it has a good beat for a one year
old to dance to! I love to watch him dance, and he can go for a
long time! He's got some good moves! Sam might have inherited
my talent for dancing however! Sorry babe!

As you can probably guess, we love music in our family, and

we love to dance to it (well, the kids do) and also their grandpa.

I love to watch me kids interact with their grandparents and I think

it is even more important to document that interaction. So, here is a

clip of my kids with one of their grandfathers.


Margaret said...

Fun pictures! I hear boxes aren't for everyone...and that is perfectly OK.

The Sabeys said...

The temple picture is amazing! I hope you still live in your house in july because I really want to see it and you guys too!

the longmores said...

So Grant thought his present was the funniest thing ever! You guys are awesome. We have the same music downloaded for our kids to dance to. NSYNC is still cool right? Ryan has some serious moves. Sam looks so grown up in the picture of her playing in her room. Tell Sam hi for us.

the longmores said...

sorry one more comment. Does the double stroller mean anything? Is there something we should know about?

syrant said...

Hey.............Grandma Holt :)

Jen said...

So funny! Your house looks so cute! I wish you lived closer so Cam and I could come over and play with you and your kids.

Alison said...

Your kids are so cute. We like to have dance parties here too. The kids will spread out their blankets for a dance floor. Good times.

Lisa said...

I love the videos. Whenever I pull the video camera out, everything stops.

Brian said...

Dude the kid can dance!! He has such a fun personality. I hope our paths cross soon so our kids can act crazy together. Love ya.

Monica and Stephen said...

Cute pictures. I love seeing the kids, but I would love to see pictures of you and Rich too.

Unknown said...

Um, Hello?! I'm your VT and I didn't know you had a blog? Well now we can be blogging buddies.