Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Time 2011

This year we moved right before Christmas. We decided it was time to leave Arkansas and do what was best for our family. We were incredibly sad to leave AR, and our friends, but we know we made the right decision for our family. Thank you to all our friends that were such great friends to me, and my family. You will always be remembered and loved!!
So we made it to Utah just in time for Christmas, and we had a great time with family. In my family (the Holt side) we do most of our celebrating on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is mostly just a relaxing day enjoying our time together. So everyone came over for our big feast while telling the kids that we will "eventually" get around to opening the gifts..."after dinner...after all the dishes are done...after we do a little program...alright!! It is time!!"

It is so nice to be with family again!! I will greatly miss the family and friends we left behind though and hopefully it won't be too long before we get to see them again soon too!

This year, the girls planned a little program. Orginally, Aubrey wrote a play for all the kids to do, but due to some anxiousness to get to the presents, they decided that that would take too long and decided to go with plan B. All the kids took turns performing a song for everyone. It was beautiful! Aubrey and Samantha sang, "Joy To the World"

Ryan and Samantha sang "Stars Were Gleaming"

Every year, my incredibly talented mother hand sews matching pajamas for all of her grandchildren. There are 17, with one on the way. And every year the kids LOVE them and every year they turn out fabulous!!

I made this quilt for Rich this is unfinished with pins in it more great bonus about living with my mom now...she can "help" me finish it. :-)

This year, Rich and I were down in the basement and I didn't want the kids to come down stairs and see things without me knowing so...I blocked off their room (they were all having a sleepover in one room). I thought for sure it would either keep them in or I would hear them having a great time breaking through...

It didn't work. They ALL crawled through the bottom (because that is what they thought they were supposed to do!). Silly kids! :-) But they did all come straight down to the basement to get me before they did anything else!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas this year. We did! I love my family and I Love my Savior. We are all so blessed to be able to celebrate his birth and His life!

1 comment:

Allison said...

What a gorgeous family. You guys have had to do so many moves! You have friends all over the country! We are coming to SLC Feb 10-20 and would LOVE to get together! Looks like a lovely Christmas. Those pjs and nightgowns are so darling. xoxox