Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's been goin' on

Last weekend, we thought we would take advantage of Rich still not being in school, so we got Sam out of school a little early, and headed out to Oklahoma City for the night. We drove straight to the temple so that Rich could do a session, while the kids and I went and got dinner while we waited. We spent the night in a hotel for fun and then I had the opportunity to go to the temple Saturday morning. We haven't had the opportunity to go to the temple very often, so this trip was much needed. Saturday afternoon we decided to take advantage of the beautiful day and we went to the zoo. This Rino was huge! It was so nice to get outside and not freeze!

Spencer is getting so big! He is now 4 months (or will be on the 20th) and weighs 16.6 lbs and is 26 1/2 inches long! He loves to talk and it is so much fun to listen to him laugh!! He is very strong and holds himself up really well. He still loves to see his big sister and have her sing to him. As soon as she walks into view he gives her the biggest smile. Unfortunately, as soon as Spencer sees his big brother most of the time, he braces himself for impact with his arms up and eyes closed! We are still waiting for this stage that Ryan is in to pass. He just loves his brother so much!
I love that drool!
He is getting two little dimples on each cheek when he smiles too...so cute!!


The Felix Family said...

That rino skin looks so weird. It almost doesn't look real!! Your family sure is cute and I am glad you had a fun weekend.

Kristen Moss said...

Yay, you guys look so happy out there. hopefully everything is wonderful.

Baby boy looks just like sam. WOW. So cute.

syrant said...

Oh, Spencer is so big!!! Not fair. Looks like he has lost some hair, too. Miss you guys.

Allison said...

I am so behind reading up on everyones blogs. I just read all about your Christmas and laughed out loud about Ryan playing the baby Jesus. Hilarious. Glad you guys also got a get away and temple trip too! Love you.

Anonymous said...

SPENCE IS SO CUTE! So glad you both got to go to the Temple. That Rhino's skin is awesome! What a genious design of protection. The Rihon must be the soldier of the saffari :)