Friday, August 20, 2010

Samantha's First Day of Kindergarten

Samantha was so excited to start Kindergarten this year. She has been ready for about 2 years now and could hardly go to sleep the night before. She had her outfit picked out and was especially excited to wear her new "twinkle toes" shoes (imatation sketchers) thanks to Grandma! I even made it through the morning without crying...pretty impressive considering I am 8 months pregnant!
This is Samantha coming out of school. She was so happy, a little tired but couldn't wait to tell us all about it.

It was a long day for Ryan. He was ready to pick her up the moment I got back from dropping her off. As soon as she came out of the door he gave her the biggest cute! I can't believe I have a child in school, but I am excited for all the things that she is going to learn and the experiences she will have. I love you Samantha!


The Felix Family said...

That is so fun! You're old Jackie if you have a kid going to Kindergarten!!:) I love the picture of her and Ryan. So cute!! I hope your feeling good!

Kathy said...

Yay, Samantha! She looks all ready and excited. Did she get into the school you wanted? Have a great year!

Radke said...

Glad she had a good first day of school. She looks adorable. It's so sweet Ryan missed his big sister, I love the picture of them hugging.

Monica and Stephen said...

It looks like she had a good day. I am glad she enjoyed it. I miss you guys

DK Johnston said...

I can't believe you didn't cry! Nice work. We still have a week left until school starts. Maggie is a little too excited. She asks me how many days until school about every other MINUTE! Sam looked so cute!