Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Well yesterday was Valentines Day and as Samantha would say "We had a great day today!". It was a good day. I recieved beautiful pink roses and the kids got their own little treats! But someday Valentines Day is never quite as much fun when you are pregnant and sick! We didn't go out on a special dinner Saturday night because what was the point in going on and spending the money when I couldn't really enjoy it and most likely won't keep it down! But Rich did want to do something for me and felt like I needed some "protein" so he went out and brought some Outback steaks home for us. It was perfect, enjoying good food at home, being able to eat as SLOW as I wanted! :-) And we didn't have to deal with the crowds! Thanks Rich! You are the best!
Rich and I have been married for almost 7 years now and man, the time has really flown! It has been a wonderful 7 years, with quite a few adventures and I wouldn't change a minute of it. I love Rich more now then I have ever loved and just expect the love to keep growing. He is an amazing man, husband and father. I love you babe! Happy Valentines Day!


Kristin said...

Prego!!!! How did I not know this?? I have two thoughts. #1 EXCITING!!! Another darling genius child. :) #2 Three?!?! I'm still figuring out 2 so that thought is crazy to me right now. But if anyone can handle and adjust with ease, it's you my friend. Love you guys and HOORAY!!!!!!!

Just what is a Clair? said...


Alison said...

Congrats! We're so excited for you guys.

Jen said...

Wow! That is great Jackie! I echo Kristin's sentiments as well... I can't even fathom it but it's true: if there is anyone that can do it, it is YOU! How far along are you and when are you due? Love ya!