Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rich's first hair me!

A couple of weeks ago, we were talking with our family out in Nashville on the webcam and our brother-in-law asked Rich..."So Rich, are you growing your hair out?" So needless to say, Rich was in dire need of haircut! We have been saying for a long time that I should just start cutting his hair because it would save so much money, but have never actually done it. Well, after that comment on his hair we decided that something needed to be done. So I went out and bought a set of clippers, thinking that that night I would cut Rich's hair. But, almost two weeks later, it still hadn't been done. I kept asking him, but I just don't think he was quite ready. He was sure he could wear hats to class, just in case but it took some mental preparation for this potential upset. Disclaimer: I have NEVER cut anyones hair before! So Rich had reasons to be nervous. But I was excited, this was going to be fun.

The other night Rich finally broke down at 10 pm and asked me if I was ready. And here are the results. You can't see Rich's wings in the before picture very well but just take my word for it...his hair was bad!
During: (There were a couple times that I really got scared that I was going to have to get Rich a buzz!)

Yeah me! Not to bad!!!!!!!


The Sabeys said...

Well Done Jackie! I won't ever cut hair becasue Allen cuts his own. Way to go!

Jeremy and Molly Horn said...

You are brave. I don't even dare get close to Jeremys. Good job.

Purple said...

Great job! You did a way better job than my first time. I remember how nervous I was the first time I cut Craig's hair.

Jen said...

Good job my friend! I have been cutting Brian's hair, and now Cam's, since we were first married but was reluctant to do so as well. I am glad it was a good outcome for all!

sewdelightful said...

Just the first of many!!! Way to go!

Margaret said...

Brave girl. I just can't do that. But I'm impressed by your accomplishment.

Lisa said...

So I mentioned the hair needing to be cut in November. Was this the first hair cut since before then?
It looks, great. I think I cut Jason's once when we were first married, but I never liked it that much. And with Misti so close there is no need for the mediocre job I did.

The Felix Family said...

Good job!! I am very impressed! It looks like you did great job. If you ever need pointers let me know I can help you out.

Kristin said...

Wow! You are a pro. I've buzzed Brian's hair before but I'm pretty sure that is the extent of my ability.

The Valentine's Day story cracked me up. Don't worry though we haven't celebrated yet either! We were out of town for Brian's work and it kind of got pushed aside. We are lucky though cause this weekend we are getting away to Flaming Gorge and a friend is staying with Ryanna - our first night away from her!

Anyway, keep sharing your adventures. Lots of love.

Kristin said...

Wow! You are a pro. I've buzzed Brian's hair before but I'm pretty sure that is the extent of my ability.

The Valentine's Day story cracked me up. Don't worry though we haven't celebrated yet either! We were out of town for Brian's work and it kind of got pushed aside. We are lucky though cause this weekend we are getting away to Flaming Gorge and a friend is staying with Ryanna - our first night away from her!

Anyway, keep sharing your adventures. Lots of love.